Grievance reddresal

The institute has Grievances Red-ressal Committee. The information displayed on boards along with list of Red-ressal Committee(with /helpline numbers) and Drop Box. In case of Grievances, the grievances Red-ressal Committee shall receive and redress grievances of following issue 

  • Admission procedures
  • Academic issues: pertaining to teaching learning activities
  • Student-staff, student-student relationship pertaining to harassment etc.
  • Internal examination system: test, midterm/pre-final exam etc.
  • Internal evaluation system: test, assignment, reports etc.
  • Complaint related to library services.
  • Grievances related to hostel, food, water, electricity etc.
  • Grievance related to transport facilities.
  • Grievances related to sports, cultural and selection process etc.
  • Grievances related to university examination.

Committees Members

Sr No.
Name of In-charge
Contact No.
Dr. Mrs. Shakuntala Nagraj
Mr. Kashinath Sajjan
Assistant Professor
Mr. Sagar Bhosale
Mr. Dhanraj Kharat