Internal Complaints Committee


  • To prevent discrimination and sexual harassment by promoting general Amity among student and staff.
  • To lay down procedure for the prohibition, resolution settlement and prosecution of act form of discrimination and sexual harassment by the student and staff.
  • To deal with cases and discrimination and sexual harassment against student faculty member or staff in time Mount Manor aiming at ensure support services to those alleging abuse or harassment of any kind.
  • To recommend appropriate punitive action against the alleged perpetrator.

An Act to provide protection against sexual harassment of women at workplace and for the prevention and redressal of complaints of sexual harassment and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto.

Sexual harassment is defined to include unwelcome sexually determined behaviour such as physical contact, request for sexual favours, sexually coloured remarks, screening of pornography, or any other conduct of sexual nature. The Bill prohibits sexual harassment at the work place which may include promise of preferential treatment, threat of detrimental treatment, hostile work environment, or humiliating conduct constituting health and safety problems.

The Bill defines “a work place” to include all organizations, and any place visited by an employee during the course of work. It covers every woman at the work place (whether employed or not) except a domestic worker working at home. It defines employer as the person responsible for the management, supervision and control of the work place. Sexual harassment is covered in the workplace when it happens at work, at work-related events or where people are carrying out work-related functions and between people sharing the same workplace.


  • 1. Prof. Mrs. Shakuntala Nagraj- Chairman
  • 2. Mrs. Brindalakshmi- Member
  • 3. Miss. Priyanki Devalli - Member
  • 4. Mrs. Aishwini Shinde - Member
  • 5. Miss. Amruta Walve - Member
  • 6. Miss. Mitali Paradkar - Student
  • 7. Miss. Aishwarya Parab - Student
  • 8. Mr. Lakhan Chavan - StudenMiss. Sheela Gore - Studentt

Committees Members

Sr No.
Name of In-charge
Contact No.
Dr. Mrs. Shakuntala Nagraj
Mrs. Brindalakshi M.
Vice Principal
Mr. Sagar Bhosale
Mr. Dhanraj Kharat